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Digital Printing

Digital printing involves the transfer of your images and text from an electronic design and mapping them on paper using tiny droplets of ink. Millions of dots then make up the finished printed item. Digital Printers are either inkjet or dry based printers and use heat transfer to adhere the chosen design to the paper. Technological advances in ink technology and print quality have made digital printing popular for those seeking an alternative to lithographic printing. It is ideal for shorter print runs, as the set up process is generally faster and more cost effective.

Digital Printing Specialists

Lockwood have been providing Digital Printing solutions for many years. We were one of the first printers in the Cambridgeshire region to adopt digital print.

Furthemore, at Lockwood we have both digital printing and litho print services in our facilities. This helps us offer the right print solutions for your needs, our digital print specialists can offer you advice on everything from paper choices to creating the files in the correct format. All designed to get you the best results. Our business is to make your marketing material the best it can be for the budget. We print a diverse range of items on our digital printer such as:

  • Leaflets and flyers
  • Promotional post cards
  • Business cards
  • Posters
  • Stickers
  • Invitations

We can also offer large format printing for larger posters and pull up banners.

Is digital  quicker that lithographic printing?

Digital print can certainly be quick. Short print runs can be printed and ready for finishing often on the same or next day. This makes digital print a popular choice for leaflets and flyers.  As the printing is direct from the file supplied, there is little setup involved. Unlike litho there is little preparation apart from ensuring that the toners are full, the paper loaded and the files supplied are in the correct format, then it’s ready to go.

Is digital more expensive than litho?

Digital printing is priced differently to litho, predominately because the costs are calculated per print. So the cost of the toner, the paper, machine and operator are used to determine the final cost. As there are no set up costs as such, it is very cost effective for short print runs. There is also the fact that multiple jobs can be queued up which can sometimes reduce the cost further.

When the  volume increases runs then the cost of digital is outweighed by those of litho printing, although it is very much down to demand vs quality.

Get in touch about your next digital print project.
Call us today to find out more about your digital print requirements. We are here to advise with everything from print techniques to formatting your files correctly.
Call us on 01480 861429